Student Handbook
- Administration Message
- Student Success
- Daily Schedule
- School-Wide Expectations
- Dress Code
- Attendance
- School Meals
- Safety Measures
- Parent Involvement/Volunteers
- Transportation & Traffic
- School Clinic Information
- Discipline
- Other Information
- Communication
- Bullying, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Gender Inclusive Schools
Administration Message
Dear Mount View Elementary School Families,
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! We are excited to share the upcoming school year with you! It is our goal to build strong collaborative partnerships with families and community members to continue our growth as a thriving school where EVERY student is able to realize their full potential.
Our staff is committed to you and your student and will do “whatever it takes” to provide a quality educational experience. We look forward to a wonderful year of collaboration, growth, and discovery. Our goal this year is to promote love, hope and excellence for all.
Lastly, we are all committed to the Highline Promise: Every student in the Highline Public Schools is known by name, strength and need and graduates prepared for the future they
Adina Thea, Principal
Lyon Terry, Assistant Principal
Student Success
Ways You Can Help Your Child Be Successful at School:
- Talk to your child about the importance of an education and how it can help in life.
- Teach and model the value of good, prompt attendance.
- Ask, “What did you do at school today?” (“In math, in reading, on the playground, etc..?”)
- Check homework to make sure it is completed, including reading 30 minutes each day for grades 1st - 6th, 20 minutes for Kindergarten.
- Limit T.V., computer, and video games.
- Promptly return all forms requiring signatures.
- Check your child’s backpack and school calendar daily, to be aware of early dismissals, special events, and no school days. Keep your contact information updated.
Daily Schedule
Morning Program
The front doors open at 8:30 a.m. Students are families are welcome to participate in activities in the cafeteria and in the gym. Homework assistance is available! At 9:00 there is a brief all school assembly for celebrations, announcements and some movement. Then school begins officially at 9:10. For safety, please only enter through the front doors.
School Begins
School Dismissal
Early Dismissal Days/PCT Fridays
School-Wide Expectations
School policies, rules and regulations, are designed for the protection and safety of all people in the building. We expect all of Mount View’s students and staff to follow Mount View’s School Wide Expectations, our Tiger Tenets:
Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Productive, Be Responsible
Specific explanations of these expectations are taught and reviewed with your child/children early in the school year by all teachers. Your child should be able to tell you what each of these mean. Our expectations are a combination of common courtesy and safety considerations.
The staff at Mount View is committed to following a positive discipline plan that:
- Ensures everyone is physically and emotionally safe.
- Ensures everyone is respectful; follows game rules, and plays fairly.
- Maintains focus on Mount View’s academic program.
The following types of conduct are NEVER allowed at Mount View:
- Defiance of school staff/Disrespectful conduct/Bullying/Cyber bullying.
- Fighting/Intentional harm to others/Harassment/Teasing.
- Possession of any weapons or other dangerous objects. Possession or use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol.
Students are not permitted to engage in gang-related behaviors at school such as hand gestures. Such behaviors don’t necessarily indicate gang involvement but any promotion of gang culture is prohibited.
Potentially dangerous or disruptive items such as toys, squirt guns, toys guns and knives MUST be left at home. Highline Public Schools has a ZERO tolerance for any type of weapon, toy or real.
For further details on student expectations and disciplinary actions refer to Highline School’s District
Policy; “Students’ Rights and Responsibilities” located on the Highline School District Website.
Dress Code
Uniforms are optional at Mount View. Students should follow the district dress code that promotes learning for all.
This means that they should not wear clothing that:
Might disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from school activities.
Create a health or other hazard to the student's safety or to the safety of others.
For more detail about the policy please refer to school board policy #3224 web page.
Attendance is essential to your child’s academic success. Call the school at 206-631- 4500 if your child is going to be absent or tardy. Excused absences include: illness, medical/dental appointments,death or serious illness in the immediate family.
Leaving Early
Picking up your child early also impacts your child’s academic success. If you are picking up your child before dismissal time you will need to check in at the office at least 30 minutes before the end of school. No classroom will be interrupted the final 30 minutes of the day. The office staff will call for your child and your child will meet you in the office. This causes less interruption to instructional time. Students will only be released to adults who are listed on the emergency card. Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours without an adult.
Lengthy Absences
Send a Note
Late Arrivals
Unexcused Absences
School Meals
All Mount View students receive breakfast through the “Breakfast in the Classroom” program and a hot lunch with milk and fruits/vegetables served daily. Lunch menus are posted at school and are available online. Mount View qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) which means all students are eligible to receive breakfast, lunch and snacks at no cost. In the past parents were required to fill out a complicated application for Free and Reduced Lunch. Now you will only need to fill out a quick survey that shows your income and number of people in your family. Completing this survey is VERY important. It will determine our funding from the federal and state government for programs that support our students.
Safety Measures
- Visitors
- Emergency Early Dismissal and Closure
- Emergency Card
- Special Notices
- Before and After School Supervision
Parents are requested to phone ahead of time to make prior arrangements with the teacher when visiting a classroom. ALL visitors (including parents/guardians) to Mount View must go to the office to sign a visitor or volunteer log and receive a visitor pass – this keeps our students safe.
If you have a concern that you need to discuss with your child’s teacher please schedule a time to meet before or after school. This will allow you the time and attention you need to discuss what’s going on with your child. Trying to get the attention of the teacher during class, however brief, interrupts student learning .
Emergency Early Dismissal and Closure
It may be necessary to close school before normal dismissal time. Please instruct your child where s/he should go in the event that school is unexpectedly closed.
School may be delayed or closed due to weather. Snow bulletins are sent home in the fall. Listen to radio/TV stations for schedule changes, listen for Highline School District. Notices may be posted on the district web site or visit the web site: You will receive an automated phone message informing you if school is starting late or is closed for the day.
Emergency Card
It is vital that we have current contact numbers for each student at all times. Include the names of anyone that may pick up your child from school. We will only release your child to the names listed on the emergency card. If your child becomes sick or injured at school, we need to notify you as soon as possible. It is critical to keep your emergency information cards current!
Special Notices
Reminders and special announcements are sent home, on our website and/or emailed and text. These notices
may include information about award assemblies, music/band performances or other events. There could also be information about police activity in the area, lock downs or other major events that could cause anxiety for students. These notices are printed on brightly colored paper.
Before and After School Supervision
Parent Involvement/Volunteers
Parents are a vital link between home and school. Volunteers are always welcome at Mount View. If you are interested in being a volunteer please go to the main office to fill out a volunteer form. You will be asked to fill out a volunteer clearance form. If you are a parent or guardian in our school and you do not have a criminal record, then that is all you need to do (Type 1 Volunteer Form).
If you are not a parent/guardian at Mount View or have a criminal record we will ask you to fill out a more extensive form and get a copy of your picture ID, so we can run a background check (Type 2 Volunteer Form). The clearance form and copy of your picture ID is sent to the Highline School District for a background
check. The process takes approximately two to three weeks for clearance. No one may volunteer until one of the two forms is completed. Thank you for your patience.
What Volunteers Can Do
Mount View’s parent-teacher group is devoted to supporting educational programs and school activities. Meetings are held to plan fun family activities. Please look for notices sent home informing you of dates and times we meet. If you have ideas for events or want to help, please join us. Together, we can make a difference. We also welcome all parents to join the “Mt. View Elementary PTA” Facebook page.
Parent Coffee Hour
The informal gathering convenes on the third Thursday of each month. Coffee hour is a great opportunity to hear from the administration about what is happening at Mount View. Different topics are discussed each month. Receiving information, asking questions, and giving input are ways you may help your child succeed. This program is run in partnership with the White Center CDA.
Transportation & Traffic
Vehicle Traffic
Some students are picked up and dropped off by family members using private vehicles. Drivers are expected to:
- Pick up and drop off children only in designated areas. The front (main) parking lot is where K-2 students should be picked up. Older students may be picked up on 14th Ave. SW (behind the school).
- Do not park and/or wait in the bus zone/staff parking lot.
- Observe all traffic laws, such as stopping fully and following one-way arrows.
- Be considerate and follow the directions of our crossing guard.
- Please pull forward to allow cars coming in behind you.
- Never leave a car unattended unless it is in a legal parking spot.
- If you do not see your child in the waiting area, make another loop around so you don’t hold up traffic behind you.
- Do not block the entrance into the school.
- Watch out for students as they walk to waiting vehicles.
- Set a good example by driving slowly, following the school rules and being courteous to others.
**Remember: our children are watching**
Riding the Bus is a Privilege
Riding the bus should be a pleasant, safe experience for all students.
- Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before your bus route schedule arrival time.
- Board the bus in a quiet, orderly manner and remain in the same seat throughout the trip.
- Students are expected to obey the rules of the bus. Those who fail to follow the rules will face consequences up to and including the loss of bus-riding privileges.
- Students need to bring a note from a parent to be signed by the principal if they intend to ride the bus to a friend’s house after school.
Walking to and from School
Use only planned safe walking routes, use the same route when walking to school and home. Do not
stop at a friend’s house without parent permission.
- Cross at crosswalks only.
- Walk in groups or with a friend.
- Never talk to or get in a car with a stranger.
- Report immediately to an adult if someone is bothering you or if you see someone bothering other students when walking to school or home.
Bicycles and Scooters
School Clinic Information
At the beginning of each school year, parents are requested to fill out forms which give information regarding any student health problems. Please keep us informed of any changes in your child’s health status and activity restriction.
If physician-ordered prescription medication is required and must be taken at school, the following is
- A Highline School District School Medication Authorization Form must be completed. Please be sure the doctor and parent signatures are completed.
- A meeting scheduled with the School Nurse and parent.
- Submission of medication to the nurse/office staff in a current, labeled pharmacy bottle.
- This applies to all over the counter medication, including aspirin, cough drops, etc.
When a student is ill or injured they are sent or escorted to the main office and clinic. Parent(s) are notified if a child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher or for other health concerns.
- Minor injuries are given first aid, and student returns to class.
- Any concerns, especially those of a serious nature, will result in parent notification.
- In case of severe injury, 911 will be called and the parent will be notified.
Health Screening
Sick Child
If your child has a fever or is vomiting keep him/her home. Students should not come back to school until they have been fever free for at least 24 hours.
If your child is not feeling well or has an injury do not send them to school to see the school nurse. Mount View only has a nurse twice a week, and is not authorized to write prescriptions. You need to take your child to the doctor.
Mount View’s school-wide framework to address student behavior is a progressive step system. Each teacher has his/her own way of managing specific discipline issues in and out of the classroom. Any of the steps of our Progressive Discipline Plan may be bypassed for serious behavior.
Steps to Progressive Classroom Discipline
Criteria for Office Referrals
- Continuing poor behavior; progressive classroom intervention steps have already been attempted.
- Severe disruption of student learning time.
- Physically dangerous acts such as assault or fighting.
- Harassment (sexual, racial, or bullying)
- Illegal acts
- Failure to notify staff about a potentially dangerous situation.
- Possession of drugs, weapons, or objects used as weapons.
Corrective Action
When possible, consequences are directly related to the infraction. For example: writing on walls may require cleaning. It’s in the student’s best interest to make appropriate choices for personal conduct because repeated/inappropriate behavior leads to progressively more serious consequences, such as:
- Loss of privileges such as recess, field trip, or assembly
- Restitution (e.g. replacing damaged property/items)
- Community service (campus/school cleanup)
- Detention before or after school
- In-school suspension
- Out-of-school suspension
- Expulsion
This is a representative sample of possible responses to inappropriate student behavior at Mount View. Teachers and administrators have additional options depending on the situation.
Other Information
Field Trips
Money and Valuables
At times, some grades will sell inexpensive items such as candy or pencils to raise funds for field trips or major school fundraising projects. As a general rule:
- Students should bring only the money that is needed for the day.
- Valuable jewelry, cameras, IPods, electronic games, trading cards, toys and personal items are not to be brought to school.
Cell Phones
Lost and Found
The lost and found area is located near the gym. Valuable articles found are taken to the school office. Unclaimed clothing will be donated from time to time and at the end of the school year. Please label all articles of clothing with your child’s name.
- Personal items brought to school are at the student’s own risk and not the responsibility of the school if lost or stolen.
Sometimes children can be negatively impacted by difficult changes in life divorce, death of a loved one, illness, loss of job etc. If your child experiences any of these, it can be helpful to inform your child’s teacher or the school’s counselor. We want to be able to support your child during any difficult times.
School Phones
Staff Email
The school staff will communicate with families in a variety of ways. Please sign up for Peach Jar (online school bulletins), keep your contact information updated so you are able to receive emails/text/voice mails that will keep you informed as to what is happening at Mount View Elementary School.
Don’t hesitate to e-mail your child’s teacher; it can be an extremely effective way to be informed. You can access a staff directory here.
Bullying, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Gender Inclusive Schools
Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying. Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.